SINEplayer Changelog

This section lists all SINEplayer updates and their changes.


macOS on ARM macs compatibility

  • macOS ARM: Resolved crackles and pops on ARM-based macs.

Other Changes:

  • Loading instruments requiring a newer SINEplayer version will show a message alerting the user what to do.
  • Prevented a possible crash when loading instruments requiring a newer SINEplayer version.
  • Logging while mic merging has been expanded.
  • The search feature in the Library will sort the results by relevance.


  • Faster opening of collections with a very large number of instruments in the Library View.
  • Prevented a possible crash when validating SINEplayer.


macOS 10.13-10.14 compatibility

  • When using these systems, SINEplayer will use a fallback MyLicenses view because the regular view is not compatible with these systems. Please refer to MyLicenses on macOS 10.13-10.14 for details.


  • Fixed a crash when deleting the last mic position of an instrument
  • SINE will now show an error if you try to delete a loaded instrument


SINEplayer 1.3 introduces a Library database, which handles all installed content. The new downloader supports proper cancellation and has been rewritten from the ground up.

The revamped UI leans on our new website design and brings an optimized Library View along with alphabetical sorting of collections. Upon first start, SINEplayer will automatically convert your existing Library to the new format—for any issues, just reach out to, and we'll be happy to help out!

Library Rework:

  • SINEplayer's internal Library is now SQLite-based for improved performance and reliability.
  • The new Downloader has been rewritten, supports cancellation, and deals much better with large downloads.
  • The new folder picker lets you pick any location of your choosing for downloads.
  • Instrument folders now include the instrument and collection.
  • A new metadata sync quickly brings artwork, etc. up to date. You can start it manually, but SINEplayer will do it automatically on every download.

UI Refresh:

  • A large refresh across all views, including dialogs and text areas, brings SINEplayer in line with the updated OT website.
  • The Library View and Articulation Options have been re-designed for better visibility.
  • New icons and mod wheel/pitch wheel graphics.


  • When loading an instrument, SINEplayer now shows the collection it is from in Loaded Articulations.
  • Series and the collections within them are now sorted alphabetically in the Library.


  • SINEplayer will no longer crash when disabling the highest layers on articulations with 10+ layers.
  • Variations will correctly switch again when the Variation CC is sent from a channel other than 1 on articulation set to Omni.
  • Long articulation/instrument/series names or subtitles are no longer cut off in the Library View.
  • When having multiple instances open, fonts will no longer spontaneously enlarge or distort when closing one of the open instances.
  • Articulations with more than 2 velocity zones and two speed zones in Legato will no longer hide the 6th style.


  • Mic Merge has been optimized.
  • Updated Store/MyLicenses framework.


  • The Store/MyLicenses framework, as well as the plugin framework have been updated.


  • Legato behaviour when keyswitching between different legato articulations has been optimized.


AAX Support on Apple ARM-based machines:
  • The AAX version of SINEplayer is now natively supported on Apple's ARM-based machines. All other formats (standalone, VST3, AU) were already natively supported previously.
UI Refresh:
  • Sliders in the Articulation Options have a new design that shows their exact value. You can edit the value by double-clicking in the value box or moving the slider.
  • Loading a SINEplayer instance with no enabled mic positions will no longer enable the first position.
  • Mixer and Articulation Options sliders will now reset to their default value when double clicking, or Ctrl/Cmd-Clicking.
  • The Dynamics tab in the Articulation Options will once more show the dynamics of articulations with only a single velocity layer. Furthermore, the text "Single Layer" will be shown to make it clear that there is a single layer.
  • macOS: Cmd-Clicking Mixer or Articulation Options sliders will reset them.
  • macOS: Cmd-Clicking in the Articulation Map is correctly registered as a right click now.
  • The Alternative Release keyswitch was not always visually removed from the keyboard. It will now disappear correctly when not needed.
  • The speed zone and velocity zone labels were sometimes not drawn correctly in the Legato tab of the Articulation Options.
  • Some button fonts have been enlarged to fit with the recent UI changes.
  • The buttons in the Articulation Options will rescale correctly now when the SINEplayer window is made smaller.


SINEplayer 1.1.2 improves the display and appearance of notifications among other improvements.

UI Refresh:
  • Notification dialogs have a new design; also they show up more reliably on macOS now.
  • SINE's icons have been updated with a much higher resolution.
  • The display of the chosen mapping scheme in Loaded Articulations has been optimized.
  • When replacing an already loaded instrument with an instrument that had missing files, the Mic Position missing dialog was not shown.
  • The mouse wheel will no longer adjust faders in the mixer while scrolling.
  • The Purge option has been removed, as it was non-functional.
  • The Forgot Password link will now always point to the correct reset page.
  • Several underlying components within SINE have been updated to their newest versions


SINEplayer 1.1.1 continues the UI refresh into the activation, error handling, loaded articulations and optimizes showing MyLicenses and Store.

  • The activation dialog upon first starting SINEplayer has a new design.
  • Error messages are shown in a new design.
  • The Loaded Articulaions are (formerly Articulation List) has a new background to set it apart more from other elements.
  • After activation, showing MyLicenses will be much qicker.
  • When calling up MyLicenses, the UI feedback makes it clearer now that the content is loading.


SINEplayer 1.1.0 brings a UI refresh across most areas of SINEplayer and introduces some new legato options used by new content.

UI Refresh:
  • SINE has a new logo, also used as the application icon.
  • The Articulation Options have a new layout with improved controls.
  • All buttons in SINEplayer have been reworked and now have a hover state.
  • Individual instruments are easier to differentiate in the Mixer.
  • The wording of the activation dialog has been made clearer.
Legato Tweaks:
  • This version includes some new legato options which are used by Berlin Con Sordino Strings and Berlin Symphonic Strings.


SINEplayer 1.0.9 is a big technological and stability update. It introduces a VST3 version of SINEplayer, as well as native support for Apple's ARM-based chips. Furthermore, it fixes a number of crashes and brings performance and assorted improvements.

New Features:
  • Apple M1 compatibility: SINEplayer is now natively supported on Apple's M1 architecture.
  • VST3 support for Windows and macOS. Note that some hosts will not show the VST2 version of SINEplayer if the VST3 version is installed. This is intentional by those developers.
Performance Improvements:
  • SINEplayer would show activation or loading issues on system with non-latin characters in path names. Now SINEplayer should work fine in all locales.
  • In some cases, SINEplayer would only load samples if the plugin UI was shown. Now all tracks should always load. We suggest waiting with playback until all instruments have fully loaded.
  • On some systems, preloading performance degraded with lots of instances due to drive contention. This has been greatly improved and loading should be linear independent of the number of instances.
  • With a lot of instruments loaded, showing the Mixer View would lead to bad UI performance.
  • Greatly lowered CPU consumption in all views if the mixer is not shown actively.
  • When resizing SINEplayer, loading an instrument could lead to a crash.
  • When dragging an instrument into an empty articulation list, one particular drag point would lead to a crash.
  • When setting a controller in the Controller Map below 0 or above 127, SINEplayer would crash.
  • When moving keyswitches to a point beyond the left window bounds, saving a preset (or sequencer project) would corrupt the save state and render the project impossible to open.
  • When loading a preset that contained a Mic Merge that is not present anymore, SINEplayer would crash if another preset was already loaded.
  • When loading SINEplayer as a plugin while downloads were running, a crash could occur.
  • When loading a project where content was missing in the library, opening the project would hang for a long time. Now projects with missing content load normally and will show a "Mic Position missing" dialog when opening SINEplayer.
  • Showing many SINEplayer UIs at the same time would lead to very bad UI performance and possibly a temporary freeze.
  • Timestretching will now correctly follow the host tempo, especially when playing multiple voices.
  • Similarly, Auto Tempo will correctly apply tempo scaling even at more extreme values
  • When merging instruments, in some cases legato transitions would play back wrongly. This has been fixed. You will need to delete affected merges and re-merge them.
  • When importing certain content, the search index could not be created properly. This has been addressed, along with some stability fixes for the search box.
  • In some cases, when an instrument has a lot of mic positions, these would not expand correctly in the Library.
  • Importing content with some special characters would fail to create the search index for the internal search.


  • Lock to Beat was not triggering correctly when a note was beginning exaxtly on a beat.
  • Instruments that used timetretching would crash SINEplayer when a buffer size above 1024 was used.
  • Timestretching patches could have crackles in some cases.
  • The CPU display will no longer move erratically when using timestretching. This was a pure UI issue and there was no performance impact.


  • SINE Player now supports tempo sync and timestretching for patches that use this functionality..
  • Auto Tempo will adjust the tempo scaling (half time, normal time, double time) to the host tempo to get the best playback.
  • Lock to Beat starts playback on the next beat, making it easy to play timed repetitions or similar.


SINEplayer 1.0.6 is one of our biggest yet. It includes AAX support - we’re excited to finally offer Pro Tools users access to SINE. We’ve also optimized and improved upon the Mic Merge feature too - it now uses all cores of your machine and is more reliable with large instruments. There are more new features included and some major UX improvements (as well as some other fixes and tweaks).

New Features:
  • AAX Support! SINEplayer now is available as an AAX plugin for Pro Tools.
  • MIc Merge improvements: Mic Merge has been optimized with better support for different merge configurations and will now use all available processing power of your machine. We strongly recommend to only use Mic Merge in Standalone or while playback is stopped.
  • Custom Keyswitches and CC values: Instruments can now have custom keyswitches, freely assignable, including gaps. Similarly, when controlled by MIDI CC, the ranges can be set individually.
  • Re-designed Virtual Keyboard with optimized Playable Range and KS Range Controls:
    • The Virtual Keyboard has been re-designed and features a clearer color scheme that will show used/unused black keys.
    • The active keyswitch is now highlighted; as are keyswitches when hovering.
    • If the Playable Range has been adjusted in either direction, a thin line above the keys will show the extended/recorded range.
    • If the Playable Range has been shifted, a +/- indicator next to the drag arrows will show the transposition.The Keyswitch logic has been improved; KS will intelligently move out of the way.
  • New Store/MyLicenses Framework: The Store and MyLicenses sections now use a new framework, using you OS's native renderer. 
  • The Variations can now be set per loaded articulation when dragging the slider with the mouse. This allows for crossfading for example vibrato styles in a Polymap! Changing variations via MIDI CC will continue to affect all variations on that particular MIDI Channel.
  • SINEplayer now supports the Auto Sustain functionality (an upcoming free content update for Metropolis Ark 1's guitars is required for this to work).
UI Improvements:
  • It is possible again to switch off the sustain pedal in the Articulation Options.
  • If an articulation has more than nine velocity layers, the DYN tab in the Articulation Options will now show a scroll bar.
  • The re-designed virtual keyboard brings optimized UI performance when making changes to ranges.The keyboard arrows will no longer vanish when no instrument is loaded.
Performance and Reliablity Improvements:
  • SINE Player now reliably works with hosts requiring variable buffer sizes, such as FL Studio.
  • Fixed a small and very rare memory corruption issue with the progress bar.
  • Changes to the Controller Map will be saved in presets and dutifully reloaded.
  • If the drive containing actively loaded instrument loses connection, SINE will no longer freeze.
  • Deleting a collection from disk and then entering My Licenses will no longer make SINE crash.
  • If a variation was selected with the mouse (instead of via MIDI CC), upon re-opening a sequencer project, this variation will now play correctly (instead of playing the default variation until the SINE UI was opened).
  • Saved sampler states will now correctly show empty keys in the playable range.
  • If an instrument's MIDI channel is set to 'Omni', it will now correctly react to all channels after reloading the project, not just to channel 1.
  • If you switch legato styles within one articulation, unused styles will now be unloaded and reloaded correctly.
  • SINEplayer now reacts to CC123 ('All notes off') and reacts better to stopping playback in the middle of a note.
  • Windows: The installer will now remember your install locations and chosen plugin formats when updating.


SINEplayer 1.0.5 resolves an issue leading to freezes and crashes in some sequencers, and brings some other fixes and tweaks.

New Features:
  • The Mic Remote will now show sound levels for all mic positions.
UI Improvements:
  • The Library will now no longer refresh automatically and reset open folders while downloads are running.
  • If no instrument is loaded in the Articulation List, the Performance View will show a message to that effect.
Performance and Reliablity Improvements:
  • SINEplayer wrongly assumed that all audio production would run on a sequencer's audio thread(s). Turned out some do their own thing, and now SINEplayer is ready for it. This fix solves the Logic Pro crashes and freezes reported, as well as stopping SINEplayer from freezing when using Cubase's "Freeze" feature. It also makes SINEplayer work in Cakewalk again.
  • Fixed a crash when unloading a plugin instance while preloading was still running.
  • Fixed an issue where the host would freeze if started without an audio driver selected.
  • When overlapping notes while keyswitching, in some cases notes could hang. Now they will correctly stop.
  • When you had single articulations of an instrument loaded, and afterwards installed additional mic positions of that instrument, existing projects would wrongly load all articulations of the instrument. Now they only load what was loaded previously.
  • When you dragged an instrument on top of an existing instrument, it would lose its MIDI channel assignment.
  • When importing existing content, in some cases a duplicate Series entry was created.
  • When two instruments were set to "Omni" MIDI channel and you adjusted the playable range of the 2nd instrument, it would not react to MIDI anymore.
  • If you try to delete a mic position that was already removed from your hard drive for whatever reason, SINEplayer won't crash anymore.
  • Some small edge cases with Polymap creation were improved. If you've had weird results with Polymaps in the past, try again and let us know any issues you come across!


SINEplayer 1.0.4 visualizes the patch loading status, makes SINEplayer work better on low-resolution screens and includes a host of tweaks and fixes.

New Features:
  • While any instruments/articulations are loading, SINEplayer will now show a loading bar. We recommend to play instruments only when they are fully loaded to avoid dropouts.
  • SINEplayer will now rescale correctly on screens with a lower vertical resolution.
  • All MIDI CCs and Keyswitch settings in the Options View will now work per instance, not globally. SINEplayer will use its default for every new instance and changing any setting in one instance will not influence any other instances (or new instances) anymore.
  • The Mic Remote will now preserve changes across SINEplayer sessions. In plain speak - what you set in it will also show in it after reloading your project. Mic Remote also now supports "edge states" where individual instruments deviate from the Mic Remote standard.
  • The handling of engine overloads has been greatly improved.
  • If CPU usage goes too high during preloading while playing, SINEplayer will cut MIDI input to avoid a streaming bottleneck. As soon as everything is loaded, this protection will be disabled automatically and full performance is used.
  • SINEplayer now supports full legato behaviour within Polymaps from any articulation to any other, using the correct adaptive transitions.
  • When SINEplayer asks for a download location, the dialog will now show the names of your drives, making it easier to find the correct drive.
  • There is now a toggle switch "Mic Merge Clipping Detection" in the Options - Advanced Settings that allows you to disable SINEplayer's automatic clipping avoidance when performing a Mic Merge. Warning: if you switch this off, your mic merges might clip.
UI Improvements:
  • When starting a download, the download view will not briefly show the full percentage anymore before starting the download.
  • The unused "Lock preloaded data to RAM" checkbox has been removed.
  • The very last collection in the Library had a scrolling issue, where all but the last instrument would not correctly unfold. Now all unfolding is by the book.
  • When you deleted a Mic Position, the deletion dialog was always shown at the very top of the collection, possibly out of view. Now it is conveniently right next to the mouse cursor.
  • On macOS, the virtual keyboard would show translucent gaps between the keys.
  • When selecting a MIDI Channel in the Articulation List, "omni" is not truncated to "omn" anymore.
  • When loading an instrument with multiple legato articulations, the first such articulation is now active by default, not the last one as before.
Performance and Reliablity Improvements:
  • Projects now correctly load in secondary SINEplayer instances (for example if you are loading an existing sequencer project while SINEplayer is running standalone).
  • Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping articulations between instruments in the Articulation List.
  • Loading an additional articulation into an existing instrument will not reset the mixer settings to the default anymore.
  • Dragging a new articulation into an existing instrument will no longer make the keyswitches spread randomly across the whole keyboard.
  • Remapping the Articulation List to MIDI Channels would only use channels 1-15 before starting at 1 again. Now it uses all 16 channels.
  • When multiple instruments are loaded, removing any of them will not  reset the Polymap on the remaining one(s) anymore.
  • Improved loading of existing projects that had new mic positions downloaded since the project was created.
  • When you removed the first articulation from an instrument, the keyswitches would react delayed and on lower end systems, SINEplayer would freeze for a moment. 
  • In rare cases, there could be crackles when moving the modwheel rapidly while playing.
  • Someone had the smart idea of naming their OT folder "otmeta", which resulted in instruments not loading. They do now, though we are still now sure why you wouldn't just name your folder a bit less cryptically.
  • SINEplayer would not delete the folders of instruments of mic positions when removing them, only the actual files.
  • If CC1 was sent to an empty SINEplayer instance, the host engine load would spike.
  • If SINEplayer is hosted as a plugin, the host application would freeze if the SINEplayer UI was opened/closed while a MIDI CC was being sent.
  • The Polymap Circle would dutifully react when dragged with the mouse, but would not actually change the active articulation.

SINEplayer is required to download and install Tableau Solo Strings.


SINEplayer 1.0.3. adds a number of UI updates and makes downloading and updating instruments more reliable.

New Features:
  • In the Mixer, mic positions can now be toggled by clicking on their name.
  • The Poly View in the Performance View now resizes when you make the SINEplayer window larger or smaller.
  • The virtual keyboard is now also shown in the Library View.
  • SINEplayer will only update the internal library when the user actually calls up the store, or downloads an instrument/update.
UI improvements:
  • By popular request, instruments now start out with their mixer channels expanded.
  • The Modwheel and Pitchbend Wheel now correctly animate.
  • When using multiple PlugIn instances, texts will not mysteriously grow in size anymore.
  • The download dialog will now use "Space" instead of "Size" for the drive capacity to avoid confusion.
  • The Settings panel of a Collection will now only show its first mic position location.
  • The version number is now also shown in the about screen.
  • The browser now works correctly on high-res screens like a Surface Pro.
Performance and Reliability Improvements:
  • SINEplayer does not crash anymore when going to the browser, then immediately elsewhere.
  • Improved speed and reliability when downloading multiple collections at the same time.
  • Updates are now correctly downloaded to the correct content location instead of the folder where the content might have been originally if the user moved it.
  • Existing content now follows the correct sorting if only a single mic position is installed.
  • Saving sequencer presets now does not crash Logic Pro anymore.
  • General PolyMap Improvement and Stability Update.
  • Vast improvements to download and update handling. No more "Can not find mic position by ID".
  • If SINEplayer is downloading instruments, the VST will not show the "Download in progress" warning when scanned upon opening the sequencer. The warning will only be shown if the actual UI has been visible.


SINEplayer 1.0.2 brings big performance improvements, speeds up loading of large instances immensely and introduces full recall for custom PolyMaps. It also fixes a number of smaller issues and updates the Store/MyLicenses framework.

New SINEplayer Store Layout:
  • The layout of the built-in store has been completely revamped, with external links to full product pages.
New Features:
  • When loading from an unsupported file system, SINEplayer will now warn the user instead of simply act surprised and do nothing.
    (for this fix to be effective for existing collections, these collections need an instrument update. This update has been released for LAYERS already; it will follow for JXL Brass within a few days).
  • Updates will now automatically update the existing instruments instead of asking for a location.
  • macOS: Ctrl-Clicking will now reset mixer faders.
  • Activation and Reset links will now lead directly to the relevant pages instead of just the OT website.
  • The built-in Store/MyLicenses browser now has its own helper application that makes it more robust.
Performance Fixes:
  • When assigning a higher MIDI channel to an instrument, performance does not progressively get worse anymore the higher the channel.
  • When playing an instance while another instance is loading, performance is not degraded anymore.
  • Loading a saved project does not cause a stuck high system load anymore
  • System load when enabling new mic positions has been lowered.
  • Large instances will now close much, much faster.
Miscellaneous Fixes:
  • PolyMaps are now correctly recalled in existing projects.
  • Changed key switch ranges are now correctly reflected in MonoView.
  • When reloading a project with muted/soloed channels, the Mic Remote will be correctly restored.
  • After activating SINEplayer, default key switches are now correctly set.
  • When switching between articulations with variable key range, legato notes will not hang anymore.
  • When switching between articulations with multiple variations, the UI will now display the variation that is actually sounding instead of the first one.
  • SINEplayer will now dutifully stay open when loading a preset without clearing the Articulation List first. It will also load said preset.


  • Downloads now can be canceled and SINEplayer will delete aborted downloads
  • SINEplayer will not reload into DFD when no samples are changed (= less CPU cycles)
  • The macOS installation process has been improved
  • C-2 can now be selected via MIDI
  • Log Files are now called SINEPlayer.log instead of OTSampler.log
  • Fixed a rare issue where SINEplayer would freeze or crash when switching from Store/MyLicenses to another tab


  • public release

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