Trills Orchestrator

One of the most powerful tools in our collections is the ergonomically playable Trills Orchestrator. Patches which use the Trills Orchestrator functionality have "TO" in their file name. We call the TO "ergonomic" because you do not need any keyswitches to change between different trills, you just play them. Depending on the instrument, you can play looped semitone and wholetone trills as well as identical sfz trills. Our custom script manages the biggest collection of different trills and interval tremolos ever created and it is a huge time-saver! Choose the interval to be trilled between by just pressing the starting and final notes.

Notation View

At the left of the GUI you see a helpful tool for your orchestrations: The notation view, a huge timesaver if you want to notate trills in your written scores. It shows you every trill you are playing, regardless of the number of notes you play.

Notation View

How to play the Trills Orchestrator

We were looking for a way to make this instrument easily playable. After testing a few options we discovered “rolling up” the chords is the best and easiest way to play trills without using keyswitches. All you have to do is press a starting note and then the final note of your trill and the Trills Orchestrator will trill between these notes. The Orchestrator allows you to trill between more than just two notes; flickering chords are possible and easy to play. Just roll off the whole chord and the Trills Orchestrator will trill between the notes you are playing. You can trill between up to 20 notes, the problem is that you will not have enough fingers to do that ;-)


While you are playing, the delay between the start note and the end note can be very short, you can “roll up” the chords very quickly. But it is important to always roll them up; pressing two or more keys at exactly the same time will not work.

The Mode Change Function

Every Trills Orchestrator can run in two different modes which is selected by a toggle switch:

End Tone = Start Tone

In this mode, every final note is automatically a new starting note if you press more than two keys. For example: When you trill between C and D, the C is your starting note and the D is your final note. Now you can use the D as another starting note. Just press any other key, an E for example. Now the Orchestrator trills between C and D and also between D and E. So the D is automatically a final note as well as a starting note.

Start Tone = Always New

In contrast to the other mode, in this mode you cannot trill between odd numbers of notes like 3, 5 or 7 for example. Why? Because you cannot use the final note of a trill as a new starting note. With the example before: You trill between C and D. If you press E now, the E is your new starting note. The Orchestrator then waits for an additional note. Now you need to press one more note, let's say an F. The Orchestrator then trills between C and D, and between E and F, but not between D and E.

Just find out which mode is good for your current needs and choose accordingly: If you want to play flickering chords for example, choose the End Tone = Start Tone mode. If you want to play two different trills, each between two notes, you should choose the Start Tone = Always New mode.

You can blend the sfz trills perfectly with the regular trills to achieve a sharp attack at the beginning of a long sustained trill.

Measured Trills

Measured Trills patches allow you to play trills synced to your host tempo. These patches work the same way as all other TO patches, but they have additional tempo options in their Performance View. They have been recorded at multiple tempos and are played in perfect sync to your host tempo by the script. By default, the script conforms to the host tempo. If you want to adjust the tempo yourself, set the tempo switch to manual and use the BPM slider to set the tempo. Please note that the samples are time-stretched using Kontakt's TimeMachine. With extreme tempo settings, you might hear artifacts caused by the time-stretching algorithm. If this happens, try half or double tempo trills.

Tempo Options

Soloists Series

Woodwind Soloists

The Solo Oboe, Solo English Horn and Solo Clarinet have a full complement of semitone and whole tone trills, both espressivo and with short attack.

If you play with a soft velocity, accelerating espressivo trills will be played. Play harder and regular short attack trills will sound.

The Solo Flute, Solo Alto Flute, Solo Clarinet and Solo Bass Clarinet have recorded Grace Note sustains. Play the grace note first (for example G3), keep it pressed and play a semitone or whole tone below (F#3 or F3, in this case) - much in the same way as the Trills Orchestrator script from BWW.

The Solo Oboe and Solo English Horn have been recorded with half step and whole step changing notes, both up and down. First, play the root note and hold it. Then play the changing note either a semitone or a whole tone below or above. In the TimeMachine-enabled patches use the Speed encoder to adjust the speed of the changing note.

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