How to use the Library View
The Library View holds all installed collections with their instruments.
This is where you load instruments and articulations into the Articulation List.
From here you can also change the settings of installed collections and add already existing instruments from a backup.
From here you can also change the settings of installed collections and add already existing instruments from a backup.
Loading Instruments and Articulations
Each Collection is represented by a tile showing its name, subtitle (if there is one), cover image, a Settings button (see below) and a Browse button. Collections within the same Series are grouped under one series header that shows the name of the serial and its recording location.
Click the Browse button to access all available instruments. Note that this section only shows instruments actually installed - you may have additional instruments available for download in My Licenses, or there may even be instruments from that collection you have not licensed yet. Instruments may be inside folders, which expand when clicked on.
Next to every instrument are its available Mic Positions - again, you may not have all possible positions installed, but can do so anytime via My Licenses. If there is a large number of Mic Positions, a +XX button will expand the full list.
Click on an instrument to see its available articulations. Note that this section does not show available legato styles and other special articulation types. These are available inside the loaded base articulations (you for example enable Legato from within any Sustain or "Longs" articulation).
- Double-click an instrument or articulation to load it into the Articulation List
- You can also click an articulation, then shift-click another articulation to select all articulations in between, as well.
- Ctrl/Cmd-clicking an articulation will select that articulation without de-selecting already selected articulations.
- You can then drag any selected articulation(s) into the Articulation List.
For more information on how to load instruments and articulations, see Articulation List.
Adding new Collections/Instruments
The most common way of adding new content to the Library View is by downloading it via My Licenses. Any content added this way will automatically show up in the Library View. Please see the respective section for details.
Adding existing Collections/Instruments
If you have existing content (for example from another of your systems or a backup), you can add this content to the Library View by clicking the + Collection button in the top right.
Point SINEplayer to the location of the content and it will add any content it finds in the specified folder and its sub-folders. From then on everything works the same way as with newly downloaded content.
Collection Settings
Each Collection tile has a Settings button, which lets you remove that collection from the Library or delete it from the physical disk. The former will only remove the entry from the Library View, not touching the actual files. The latter will physically remove the files from the drive they were at, so use it with caution!