Uninstalling Instruments and/or SINEplayer

Uninstalling Instruments

To uninstall an instrument from within SINEplayer, you can either delete the whole collection from disk, or delete its individual mic positions.

See Deleting Mic Positions/Instruments as well as Collection Settings.

Uninstalling SINEplayer

To uninstall SINEplayer, uninstall the software from Add/Remove Programs (Windows) or move the .app to the trash (macOS).

On macOS, you will also need to delete the plugins, which you'll find under Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST and Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components. Delete the SINEplayer file from both of them. This step is not needed on Windows.

On both Windows and macOS, then manually delete the SINEplayer Data Folder.

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